Today's the first day I've felt unwaveringly centered in six months and twenty-eight days. I think I work well with lists and agendas. I think that in some kind of bizarre, contradictory way, they keep me impulsive--flexible, ironically enough. I'm more likely to go out and try to grasp onto experiences, rather than sitting around and waiting for one to fall into my lap. Here's to my first day with a fresh perspective.
- Show two people how much they mean to me
(1). My older brother's a tad obsessed with Starbucks, so I grabbed him a cup while I was out. Our relationship's shifted a bit since I went off to college--I've changed and he's changed--and sometimes, I feel like the pressure's on because stuff's not the same as we left it. I get the feeling that sometimes he thinks I might not care anymore. That couldn't be further from the truth.
(2). My childhood best friend was going to meet me at our yoga studio for a meditation class tonight, but opted out because she wasn't feeling well. I picked up a bag of M&Ms on the way back and dropped them in her mailbox. Most likely frozen solid by the time she got them. The jury would like to know: do good deeds still count if you break someone's jaw in the process? Awesome.
(2). My childhood best friend was going to meet me at our yoga studio for a meditation class tonight, but opted out because she wasn't feeling well. I picked up a bag of M&Ms on the way back and dropped them in her mailbox. Most likely frozen solid by the time she got them. The jury would like to know: do good deeds still count if you break someone's jaw in the process? Awesome.
- Help out a stranger
Went to hold the door for a stranger coming out of Sevs, and he took a step back, held the door for me, and insisted that I go through instead. I've always believed in Karma, but hands-down the quickest turnaround I've ever seen.
- Live instead of sleeping
Good thing I decided that I was going to take on this challenge after I woke up today, which happened to be around three PM. Winning. Tomorrow's a new day. Wish me luck, granted I'll be up til about five-thirty so I can get this published tonight.
- Do something good for myself, by myself
Started off the morning (afternoon) with a cup of green ginger tea rather than my usual black. No caffeine, tons of antioxidants and the mere aura of pure healthiness that surrounded it was almost enough to make up for the fact that my tastebuds rolled into fetal position and sobbed. Also, favorite mug for the win.
Alsox2, I know the exact question that's on your mind right now. You're wondering, "Does Maria always set down her tea cup upon a bed of seashells and crystals?" To which I answer, "Yes. Every day of my life."
- Write here and write elsewhere
Wrote two blog posts today, so I'm going to decide that makes up for the fact that I only wrote a sentence and a half of the fiction story I've been working on lately. I reiterate: Tomorrow's a new day.
- Make a conscious decision to leave my comfort zone
Today I told someone to do something that was best for his well-being, rather than my ego. You'd think this stuff would be Humanity-101, but really, it's insane how often we opt to take our own security over someone else's happiness. Maybe it might even be subconscious, but if we're not willing to take the time to stop, think it over, and really dig to the root of the problem, then we're just as guilty as we'd have been otherwise. Next time you're not 100% sure of what you want, make sure you're not keeping people around "just in case." Let them follow their own bliss.
- Take three pictures of three beautiful things.
- Meditate
Tonight I returned to my favorite yoga studio for the Monday meditation they have there. I hadn't gone since before I left for school this semester, and not going to lie, I've missed it an insane amount. In the two months that I attended classes there this past summer, it effortlessly became one of my favorite places in the world. I'm telling you, instant feeling of groundedness and contentment just by sitting on the mat. Here's a picture I snapped of the altar:
And, finally, respectfully stolen from my star-gazing friend and guru,
- Look up at the sky
Didn't think I'd get to this one, because by the time I got out of meditation, it was nine-thirty and I was already late to meet up with an old friend. I ended up sending a last-minute text, telling him to dress warm. We went out in my backyard together, put a blanket down, and stargazed for a while. Seriously, not a single cloud in the sky, and we even caught a meteor in our peripherals. If nothing else, I'm thrilled with the impromptu opportunity to rearrange plans. Nothing like a little improvisation to remind us that change is the only thing that's constant, and that way we're never, ever stuck.
(1) Loved the karma tail... (2) Didn't know I wasn't the only one who rested my monogrammed (?) tea cup on a bed of crystals and sea treasures (3)The photo of the trees IS beautiful.